What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament

Hello and welcome to the interesting world of Borzoi dog breed temperament! If you thought these beautiful, royal-looking dogs were beautiful before, get ready to be even more amazed. They have a beautiful, mysterious, and seductive attitude that goes along with their good looks. This blog post will take you through the secrets of the Borzoi’s personality and tell you everything you need to know, whether you want to adopt one or are just interested in what makes them tick. Prepare for a trip that will help you understand these mysterious animals as we dive into the world of Borzois!

A Brief Look at the Borzoi Dog Breed Temperament

Borzoi dogs, which are also called Russian Wolfhounds, are very pretty and smart sighthounds that come from Russia. These dogs were originally bred to hunt wolves and other big game in Russia’s rough terrain. They have long, thin bodies and a beautiful running gait. They have, however, become beloved pets and show dogs over time because they are gentle and beautiful.

The Borzoi is a big dog breed. At the hip, they can be anywhere from 26 to 32 inches tall and weigh between 55 and 105 pounds. The thing that makes them stand out is their long, smooth hair, which can be white, cream, tan, gray, or black. They also have a special trim of longer hair around their necks called a “frill” that makes them look even more royal.

What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament

It’s not just their looks that make them unique, though. The Borzoi breed is also known for its unique personality. Their past as good hunters makes these dogs surprisingly calm and tame indoors. People say that they are soft giants that need to be with other people and don’t do well when left alone for long amounts of time.

As with any dog breed, socializing them properly from a young age is important to make sure they grow up to be well-rounded people. This means letting them meet new people, animals, and places to help them feel more comfortable and learn how to behave around others.

People who want to get a Borzoi should know that they have a high food drive because they were bred to hunt. So, you shouldn’t let them run free in places that aren’t fenced in, and you should keep an eye on them around cats and small dogs.

Overall, the Borzoi is a very smart and sensitive dog breed temperament that gets very close to its people. People who have bigger kids or people who can handle their size should get one. They do best in homes where they can get lots of care and exercise. With the right training and education, the Borzoi can be a loyal and beautiful pet for people who value their individuality and beauty.

History of the Borzoi and Where It Came From

People all over the world love the Borzoi, which is also called the Russian Wolfhound. It is a beautiful and powerful breed of dog. People have praised these dogs for hundreds of years because of their long, smooth coats and royal looks. But where did this breed come from? Let us travel through time to find out where the Borzoi came from.

These dogs have a long past that goes back to old Russia, where noblemen first bred them to hunt wolves, foxes, and other big game. They were an important part of royal hunts and were kept as pets by Russian high society people.

It is thought that the first Borzoi came from wandering groups in Central Asia who moved to Russia in search of better places to hunt. Nomads brought with them quick and fast racing hounds, which were later bred with Russian Sheepdogs and Russian Bearhounds to make new breeds. Because of this breeding, the dog is smaller, more muscular, and faster and more agile.

During the Mongol attack of Russia in the 1300s, many breeds from other countries were brought there. One of these breeds was the Tazi or Kazakh Greyhound, which is related to the Saluki breed today but not very closely. Some people think that these Tazis had a big impact on how modern-day Borzois look by making them look more refined and beautiful.

In the 1650s, the Khan of Crimea gave Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich two pairs of greyhounds as a gift. These dogs are thought to have made the Borzoi breed even better. The word “gazelle” in Russian means “psin,” and they were famous for being able to chase wolves over long distances.

It was Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich who started the first known Borzoi breeding scheme in the 1800s. People call him the “father” of the current Borzoi breed because he set strict rules for breeding and made a record for the breed. His scheme was mostly about keeping the breed’s unique traits while also making them better hunters.

In 1889, when Tsarist Russia was becoming more like the West, wealthy people started bringing Borzois to Europe and the United States. Rich people and famous people liked these foreign dogs, which made the breed’s image even better.

That word “Borzaya,” which means “quick,” is where the name “Borzoi” comes from. This name is a great fit for how fast and agile they are when they’re hunting. They were given the name “Russian Wolfhound” by dog lovers in Britain who had trouble saying “Borzoi.”

What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament

Today, Borzois are still used for hunting in some parts of Russia. But around the world, they are mostly kept as pets and show dogs. People who love dogs love this breed because of how gentle, graceful, and beautiful they are.

How to Understand a Borzoi’s Personality

Anyone who is thinking about getting a Borzoi as a pet needs to know about their personality. Borzois, which are also called Russian Wolfhounds, are beautiful, royal dogs that have been bred for hundreds of years to be hunting partners. The way they act as a breed comes from their job: to chase and catch food. Because of this, they are independent, active, and very smart animals.

Before anything else, it’s important to know that every Borzoi, like every other dog breed temperament, will have its own attitude. There are, however, some traits that most dogs of this breed tend to share.

One trait of the Borzoi breed that stands out is how cold they are around strangers. When they meet new people for the first time, they might seem shy or even hostile. You shouldn’t think this because they are mean or mean-spirited; it’s because they were originally bred to work alone in the hunt. This trait has become part of their DNA over time. Borzois need to be socialized with a range of people and animals from a young age in order to learn how to behave around others.

Due to their past as sighthounds used to hunt small game like rabbits and foxes, Borzois also have a strong hunting drive. As was already said, they have been carefully bred for many years to be very fast and agile. As a result of this urge, people may chase after anything that moves quickly, like small animals, cars, or even runners. To make sure their Borzoi doesn’t do anything that could be dangerous, owners need to make sure their dogs get the right training and are supervised.

While Borzois are naturally independent, they are still very loving and loyal to their families. They love being with people and want to be a part of everything. They make great family pets because of this, but they might not like being left alone for long amounts of time. If you don’t watch them for too long, they might act out and get separation anxiety.

Finally, it’s important to know that Borzois are known for being very quiet dogs. They are calm and relaxed inside the house and don’t bark too much. It doesn’t mean they don’t need to exercise, though—quite the opposite! These dogs were bred to run for miles with their owners. They need a lot of exercise to stay fit and keep their minds active.

To sum up, a Borzoi’s personality can be summed up as independent, shy around people, very smart, loving with their family, and with a strong drive to hunt. With the right training, exercise, and education, these pretty dogs can become loving pets for the right person.

What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament


To understand the behavior of any dog breed temperament, personality traits are very important. The Borzoi is no different. These dogs are different from other breeds because they have an unusual mix of traits. This part will talk about the different behavioral traits of Borzois and how they are very important in determining their behavior.

  1. Loyal: Borzois are known for always being loyal to their owners. When it comes to family, they are very close and always want to please them. This makes them great family dogs that will do anything to keep their family safe.
  1. Borzois are faithful: But they also have a strong sense of independence that makes them stand out from other dog types. They were first made to be hunting dogs, and in the hard Russian landscape, they needed to be able to do things on their own. They may be stubborn and not always listen to orders because of this.
  1. Gentle: Even though they are big, Borzois are very gentle, which makes a lot of people love them. They are very sensitive dogs that need love and attention from their owners. Because of this, they get along well with kids, though kids should always be supervised because of the dog’s size.
  1. Be careful around new people: Because they are naturally gentle, Borzois can be quiet or even shy around new people. So that they grow up to be well-adjusted adults who are comfortable around new people and animals, they need to be socialized from a very young age.
  1. Smart: Borzois are very smart dog breed temperament that can pick up new jobs and directions very quickly. However, because they are independent, they may choose to ignore orders if they don’t think it’s important to do so. Because of this, teaching should be done slowly and with methods that encourage good behavior.
  1. Hunting: Borzois were bred to be busy hunting dog breed temperament, so it’s not a surprise that they are very active. To stay healthy and happy, they need to work out every day. This breed needs to go for long walks or runs in a safe place.
  1. Calm: Even though Borzois have a lot of energy, they are also calm dog breed temperament that like to hang out with their people and relax. They aren’t restless like some other breeds, and they don’t need to be stimulated and supervised all the time.
  1. Easy to read: In both their physical and mental forms, Borzois are very sensitive. It’s easy for them to get hurt if you scold them too hard or leave them alone for too long. They can also get some health problems, like bloat, so they need to be taken care of properly.
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
  1. Strong prey drive: Borzois have a strong prey drive because they were bred to be hunting dogs. They will naturally chase after small animals that catch their eye. When you take them for walks, you should always keep them on a leash, and their yard should be locked up so they can’t get out and go after possible food.


Borzois have a unique attitude that is a mix of being independent, loyal, soft, smart, athletic, and sensitive. These dogs are loyal pets that need the right care and attention to do well. They want love and attention from their owners but are shy around strangers.

Habits and common behaviors

Borzoi dogs’ personalities are shaped by many things, such as their genes and how well they were socialized as puppies. While this is true, there are also traits and habits that this breed is known for. Knowing these things about your Borzoi can help you figure out how to train it well and give you important information about its personality.

  1. Laid Back Personality: Borzois are known for being calm and easy-going dogs, even though they are big and look royal. They aren’t usually hyper or excited, which makes them great pets for people who like to take it easy.
  1. Independent: Because they are sighthounds, Borzois were bred to hunt without their humans. Because of this, many dogs of this breed have a strong sense of independence. They might not always listen to orders as well as some other breeds, but they can learn to be more helpful with the right training and lots of praise.
  1. Lack of Fear of Strangers: Borzois can be very loving with their own family, but they don’t naturally be friendly with strangers like some other breeds might. This lack of social skills can make them great guard dogs, but they need to be socialized well from a young age so they don’t become too wary or aggressive around new people.
  1. Prey Drive: Borzois have a high prey drive because they were originally bred to be hunting dogs. This means they may chase after cats or mice. You should keep an eye on them around smaller pets and teach them the right way to behave.
  1. Gentle and Sensitive: Borzois are known for being gentle and sensitive, especially with their owners. Their families can become very important to them, and they might have separation anxiety if they are left alone for a long time.
  1. Low Exercise Needs: Borzois don’t need a lot of exercise, even though they were originally bred to be hunting dogs. Most of the time, two short walks a day or playing in a yard with a fence are enough to keep them fit and happy.
  1. Grooming Needs: Borzois have long, smooth coats that need to be brushed regularly to keep their fur free of mats and tangles. You should brush your Borzoi at least once a week, and more often when it sheds.
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
  1. Laid: Back Approach to Training—Borzois are smart dogs, but they can be stubborn when it comes to training. They might not do well with hard training or doing the same drills over and over, so it’s important to use positive feedback and make training fun and interesting.

Borzois are known for being calm, independent, and cold toward people but loving toward their own families. They also have a strong desire to hunt and don’t need much exercise. They can be loving and loyal pets if they are socialized and trained properly.

Things that can change a Borzoi’s behavior

Like any other dog breed, a Borzoi’s personality isn’t just based on its genes. There are many things that can affect how a Borzoi acts and interacts with its surroundings, such as

  1. Biology: Genetics

Many things that affect a dog’s behavior are controlled by its genes. The Borzoi breed has been improved over many hundreds of years so that it can do certain things, like hunt and be a pet. Because of this, the breed has been carefully bred to have certain traits, which can change how they act. Because of their genes, some lines may be more likely to act in certain ways, like being angry or shy.

  1. Making friends:

How a Borzoi is raised when they are young can have a big effect on how they act as an adult. To socialize a dog early on, you need to introduce it to many people, places, and things in a safe and good way. This helps them become well-adjusted, sure-of-themselves dogs that are at ease in a range of settings and with different people.

  1. What to do:

All dog types, including the Borzoi, need to be properly trained. A dog that has been trained will usually be more calm, obedient, and polite than one that has not been taught. For this sensitive breed, positive reinforcement training works best because they react better to praise and treats than to hard methods or punishment.

  1. The environment:

What kind of setting a Borzoi lives in can also affect how they act. When dogs are kept in small or stressed spaces, they might develop behavior problems like barking too much, being anxious, or becoming aggressive. On the other hand, dogs that grow up in a setting that is exciting and rewarding and that gets lots of mental and physical exercise tend to be more steady.

  1. Interacting with people:

Borzoi dogs’ personalities can also be changed by how much and how well they connect with people. Dogs that get lots of love, care, and respect from their owners are more likely to be confident, faithful, and happy than dogs that are ignored or abused. Also, having good experiences with strangers can make them more open and friendly around new people.

  1. Getting healthy:

The health of a Borzoi’s body can also affect how they act. When a dog is sick or hurt and in pain or discomfort, it may act differently, like being grumpy or irritable. Dog owners need to keep an eye on their dogs’ health by making sure they get enough food, exercise, and regular visits to the vet.

Overall, a Borzoi’s personality is a mix of its genes, how it was socialized, how it was trained, its surroundings, how it interacts with people, and its health. Dog owners need to know how these things can affect their dog’s behavior and do what they need to do to make sure their dog is well-adjusted and happy.

What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament


Any dog breed, even the beautiful and graceful Borzoi, has a personality that is largely determined by its genes. The word “temperament” refers to a dog’s natural mental traits, which are shaped by their genes. To learn more about the Borzoi breed, it is important to know how its personality is shaped by its genes.

Borzoi dogs come from Russian wolfhounds that were carefully bred for hunting by Russian nobles for hundreds of years. Because of this, they have certain physical traits that affect how they act and behave.

The first thing to know about Borzois bloodlines is that they were first bred to be sighthounds. At first, these dogs were bred to hunt big animals like wolves, bears, and even deer. According to this, they have a natural urge to run after food. This makes them great hunting partners but can be hard to teach and get along with other people.

Another important part of Borzoi biology is that they are independent. These dogs were mostly used for hunting in large, open areas where they had to make choices on their own, without help from people. Because of this, they are often more independent than other types and don’t always respond well to the usual ways of teaching dogs to obey.

Borzois also have a very strong food drive because they used to be hunters. This trait can show up in actions like chasing small animals or even running away when they’re not on a leash if something interests them. People who are thinking about getting a Borzoi should know this and take the right steps to keep their dog safe.

Another thing about Borzois is that they are known for being gentle and calm. This is because Russian nobles carefully bred them. People often kept these dogs as pets, and they were supposed to live happily with their owners. Because of this, they are quiet and gentle by nature, which makes them great family pets.

Therefore, genes play a big part in determining the behavior of Borzoi dogs. Because they were once sighthounds, they naturally want to hunt and think for themselves. But having been pets before has given them a gentle and calm personality that makes them great family pets. If someone wants to adopt a Borzoi, they need to know about these genetic traits.

Raising and Teaching

An important part of a Borzoi dog’s personality and behavior is how they are raised and trained. Just like with any other breed, you need to start socializing and teaching your Borzoi early on to make sure it grows up to be a well-behaved and balanced pet.

What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament

The first few weeks of a Borzoi puppy’s life are the best time to start teaching them because they are so open to new things. It’s best to use positive training methods with this breed, like treats, praise, and prizes. Harsh or violent ways may not work and may even cause problems with fear or anger.

During the puppy time, too, socialization is very important because it helps them gain confidence and get along better with people and different settings. Getting your Borzoi dog used to new sounds, smells, sights, and experiences early on will help them stay calm and confident around new things as they get older. You should also let them play with other dogs of different types, sizes, ages, and personalities so they can learn how to get along with their peers.

You should start simple behavior training for your Borzoi when it is a teenager. This includes teaching manners for going on a leash as well as orders like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” “down,” “heel,” etc. It is suggested that you sign up your dog for official training classes that are taught by a professional teacher who has worked with sighthounds like the Borzoi before. Not only do these classes give your dog structured training, they also give them great chances to meet new people and dogs.

Having dogs

Borzoi dogs’ personalities can also be changed by how they were raised. Responsible breeders carefully choose parents based on how they look and act, making sure that the dogs have good personalities from birth. A Borzoi that has been properly bred will usually be calmer and more stable than one that has not been properly bred.

It is very important to do a lot of study and pick a breeder with a good reputation who cares about their dogs’ health and behavior. A good breeder will also know about the traits of the breed and be able to help you find a dog that will fit in with your life.

The Environment

Borzoi dogs’ personalities can also be affected by where they live. These dogs do best in homes that are calm and quiet and give them lots of room to run and explore. They don’t do well in homes that are too busy or disorganized because they can get nervous or stressed out quickly.

Because they have a strong hunting drive and are easily drawn to chase small animals, Borzoi dogs need to be indoors and fenced in for their safety. In addition to making sure your Borzoi gets enough exercise, it’s important to keep your home quiet by avoiding loud noises, too much activity, and sudden changes.


The health of a Borzoi can also change how they act. They can get diabetes, hip dysplasia, and bloat, just like any other breed. These health problems can change how they act. To keep your Borzoi healthy, you should feed them well, take them for walks, and take them to the vet for regular checks.

If your Borzoi is in pain or trouble because of a health problem that hasn’t been identified, it may show in how they act. You should keep an eye on your dog’s health and take them to the vet if you notice any changes in their behavior that don’t seem right.

In conclusion, a Borzoi’s personality is a mix of things like how it was raised, bred, its surroundings, and its health. You can help your dog become a well-behaved and balanced friend by socializing and teaching them properly, buying from a reputable breeder, making sure they have a good place to live, and making sure they are healthy.

Setting and Making Friends

Any dog breed, including Borzois, will have a personality that is shaped by its environment and how it is socialized. Like all living things, dogs are affected by their surroundings and the people they meet. These things are very important to know if you want to understand and control your Borzoi’s behavior.

What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament

Let’s start by talking about the idea of surroundings in terms of a dog’s behavior. The environment in which a Borzoi grows up can have a big effect on how they behave as they get older. For instance, a dog that grows up in a house with a lot of noise and chaos might become nervous or scared because it is constantly exposed to noise and chaos. That being said, a puppy that grows up in a calm and organized space is likely to have a calmer personality.

It’s important for Borzoi parents to set up a good setting for their puppy from the start. Giving them a lot of room to run, exercise, and explore is part of this, but you should also set rules and routines for them. It’s important to give your Borzoi a well-balanced setting where it can socialize with people and other animals and keep its mind active.

Socialization is another important factor that will have long-lasting effects on your Borzoi’s behavior. Early exposure to different people, animals, sounds, smells, and tastes can help your dog feel more confident and teach them how to act in different settings. Being properly socialized helps them feel more at ease with new things throughout their lives.

Being careful not to give your Borzoi too many new things at once is very important. Your puppy won’t get scared or nervous if you slowly introduce new people and places to it in a positive and controlled way.

Lastly, interaction is still important after the puppy years are over. Keeping your Borzoi interested in new things and rewarding good behavior as it grows is important for keeping it well-behaved and psychologically stable.

To sum up, your Borzoi’s personality is shaped by both its surroundings and its interactions with other dogs. As puppies, giving them a safe, caring, and organized setting while also introducing them to new things gradually will help them grow up to be confident, well-adjusted dogs. To keep your friendship with your Borzoi happy for years to come, make sure you consistently praise good behavior throughout their life.

Problems that come up when you own a Borzoi with certain traits

Borzoi dogs are known for being beautiful, smart, and loving, so owning one can be a very satisfying experience. While some Borzoi breeds are great, there are some things that can go wrong when you own one with certain personalities.

Borzoi owners may find it hard to deal with their dogs’ independence and strong will. Borzois were first bred to be hunting dogs, and they still have an innate need to run after animals. To deal with this, they might become very independent and stubborn. Because of this, raising a Borzoi with this personality might need time, consistency, and methods that use positive feedback.

Along with being independent, some Borzois may also act in ways that are protective or aggressive. This comes from their past as guard dogs who kept animals safe. This trait can help them protect your home or property, but it also means they might be wary or even mean to people or animals they don’t know. Socializing kids early on is very important for controlling this behavior and stopping them from becoming aggressive.

Another problem that some owners of Borzois with certain personalities may have is that their dogs bark a lot. While not all Borzois bark too much, those that are stressed or nervous may do it as a way to let you know they are uncomfortable or worried. When this happens, training methods that focus on quiet routines and conditioning can help stop the dog from barking too much.

Besides these problems with their character, Borzois also have certain physical needs that their owners should know about. These beautiful and athletic dogs need a lot of exercise to stay healthy. If they don’t get enough exercise every day, they might get bored and act out or have too much energy.

In conclusion, having a Borzoi with certain personalities may come with its own set of problems, such as adjusting to its independent nature, dealing with its possible protective behavior, and making sure it gets enough exercise. You and your Borzoi can get through these problems with the right training, education, and care. Your bond with your dog will also grow stronger.

Being angry

The Borzoi dog breed is known for its beautiful looks and smooth movements. However, these dogs have complicated personalities that need to be understood and managed carefully. One trait of the Borzoi that owners need to be aware of is that they can be aggressive.

It is normal for dogs to be aggressive because they want to protect themselves or their area. But some kinds, like the Borzoi, may be more likely to act aggressively than others. It is very important for dog owners to understand this part of their dog’s personality so they can control it and avoid any problems.

One reason why Borzois might be aggressive is that they have a strong desire to hunt. Since sighthounds were originally bred to hunt, they have a natural drive to chase and catch food. This normal behavior can show itself as anger towards smaller animals or even people if not properly managed or redirected.

Additionally, Borzois are independent minds and may not respond well to being ordered or controlled by their owners. This trait can sometimes lead to disagreements between the dog and its human family if limits are not clearly set from an early age.

Furthermore, while usually friendly with children and other animals when raised together from puppyhood, adult Borzois may view new people or animals as intruders in their area. If they feel scared or worried by these imagined intrusions, they may show violent behaviors in an attempt to protect themselves or those they consider part of their pack.

It is important for owners of Borzois to educate and train their dogs from a young age to help avoid possible violence problems. This includes introducing them to a range of people, animals, and surroundings so they can learn acceptable habits and build comfort in new situations.

Additionally, giving proper exercise and outlets for their natural feelings, such as through lure coursing activities, can help meet their need for physical and mental excitement and lower the possibility of violent behaviors.

If an owner sees signs of violence in their Borzoi, it is crucial to seek professional help from a qualified dog teacher or behaviorist. These experts can work with both the dog and its owner to address any root reasons of the violence and provide methods for handling it.

In summary, while the Borzoi breed may have a tendency towards violence due to their natural traits as sighthounds, proper education, training, and management are key components in avoiding any potential problems. With responsible care, this beautiful breed can make a loving and loyal friend.

What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament
What you need to know Borzoi dog breed temperament


Anxiety in Borzoi dogs is a complicated topic that requires careful analysis. These elegant and regal-looking dogs have a sensitive nature, making them prone to worry and stress. If you’re considering taking a Borzoi into your home, it’s important to understand this part of their character and how to handle it.

Causes of Anxiety in Borzoi Dogs:

Like people, dogs can feel worry for different reasons. Some of the main causes for worry in Borzois include:

  1. Separation: Borzois are highly social animals and make strong bonds with their owners. When left alone for long stretches, especially if they’re not used to it, they can become nervous.
  1. Changes in routine: These dogs live on stability and order; any major changes in their daily habits or living arrangements can cause them anxiety.
  1. Loud noises: The Borzoi’s sharp hearing makes them subject to loud noises such as fireworks or thunderstorms, which can cause fear-based reactions.
  1. Lack of socialization: Proper socialization is important for all dog types, but especially for sensitive ones like the Borzoi. A lack of early socializing can lead to fearfulness towards other people or animals.

Signs of Anxiety in Borzoi Dogs:

As prey-driven sighthounds, it’s difficult to read the body language of a Borzoi compared to other dog types. However, there are still some clear signs that may suggest your dog is having anxiety:

  1. Trembling or shaking
  2. Panting and pace
  3. Excessive drooling
  4. Looking for places to hide
  5. Licking or chewing on their paws or other body parts
  6. Destructive behavior, such as eating furniture or digging
  7. Loss of appetite

Managing Anxiety in Borzoi Dogs:

  1. Provide a calm and stable environment: Borzois thrive in a calm and regular environment, so try to keep their daily habits as consistent as possible.
  1. Socialize your dog: Make sure your Borzoi is well-socialized from an early age to help them feel more safe around new people, animals, and situations.
  1. Leave with distractions: When leaving your dog alone, provide them with plenty of toys or activities to keep them busy and avoid boredom.
  1. Use relaxing techniques: relaxing music, essential oils, or pheromone sprays can help soothe a worried Borzoi.
  1. Seek professional help: If your dog’s nervousness is serious and interfering with their quality of life, speak with a professional trainer or doctor for advice and possible drug choices.

It’s important to be gentle and understanding when handling worry in Borzoi dogs. With proper care and patience, your Borzoi can learn to cope with their sensitive nature and live a happy and healthy life.

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