9 best dog breeds for hot weather

Hey there, and welcome to the world of hot weather dog breeds! As summer temperatures rise, it’s important to find a pet friend who can handle the heat. Before you get too hot thinking about which breed is best for hot weather conditions, we’ve put together a list of the nine cutest dogs that do great in hot weather. Meet these dog champs who handle summer like seasoned beach bums. They range from sun-loving hounds to desert-dwelling darlings. These blog posts have a carefully chosen list of dogs that are perfect for hot adventures in the sun, whether you’re going to a paradise with palm trees or just want a cool dog to hang out with on those hot afternoons.

A Look at Dog Breeds That Do Well in Hot Weather

When the temperature starts to rise, pet owners should think about their furry friends and how the heat affects them. Just like people, dogs can feel uncomfortable and even get sick when they are in very hot places. This is why it’s important to pick a dog breeds that does well in warmer areas.

9 best dog breeds for hot weather
9 best dog breeds for hot weather

If you want to learn about some of the best dog breeds for hot weather, keep reading. These types were carefully chosen based on how well they handle hot weather, how active they are, what kind of hair they have, and how healthy they are in general when they are in warm places.

  1. A greyhound

One of the most famous dog types, the Greyhound, is known for being very fast and alert. These cute puppies were first bred as hunting dogs in ancient Egypt. They have long legs and a slim body, which makes them great for racing or running when it’s warm outside.

Greyhounds’ short hair helps them stay cool even when it’s very hot outside. One of their special skills is a “double suspension gallop,” which lets them run with all four feet off the ground at the same time. This method for saving energy helps the body make less heat while it’s exercising.

  1. A Dalmatian

The Dalmatian is another breed that does well in hot weather. It has a unique spotted hair and a friendly attitude. These active dogs were first bred to pull carriages, and they are known for being great movers.

Their short coat makes it easy to clean them and keeps them from getting too hot. The spots on Dalmatians are also a nice plus because they can protect them from the sun’s rays.

  1. A Chihuahua

Some people might be surprised to learn that the cute little Chihuahua does well in hot climates. These little dogs are from Mexico, so they are used to warm weather and can quickly adjust to changes in it.

9 best dog breeds for hot weather
9 best dog breeds for hot weather

Their short hair and small bodies make it easy for them to control their body temperature. But owners should still be careful in very hot weather and make sure these little puppies have plenty of water and shade.

  1. Cattle Dog from Australia

Because of its name, the Australian Cattle Dog was created to work on farms in Australia, where it is usually very dry and hot weather. With a tough coat that keeps them warm in cold and hot weather, these dogs are tough.

Their coat has two layers: an outer layer that is waterproof and helps protect them from wind and rain, and an inner layer that is thick and warm in cold areas and cool in hot ones.

  1. Labrador Retriever Dog Breeds

One of the most famous dog breeds in the world is the Labrador Retriever, which is known for being friendly and having a lot of energy. These dogs were first bred to help fishermen in Newfoundland, Canada, retrieve things and go hunting.

They have a short, thick layer and a top coat that doesn’t let water in. This helps protect them from both cold and hot weather. Because of this, Labradors are great for doing things outside in warm weather.

In general, it’s important to remember that all dog breeds can get sick from the heat if they aren’t properly cared for and watched during hot weather. No matter what kind of dog you have or whether they do well in hot weather, make sure they have plenty of shade and clean water, and never leave them outside when it’s very hot weather.

Learning about the things that affect a dog breeds ability to handle heat

People who live in hot and muggy places need to think about their dog’s heat tolerance. Some breeds naturally do better in hot weather places than others, which makes them great choices for people who want a fuzzy friend in warmer places. This part will talk about the different things that affect a breed’s ability to handle heat and how those things affect which dogs do best in hot weather.

  1. Coat Type: A dog’s coat type is one of the most important things that affects how well it can handle heat. Dogs with thick double coats, like Huskies and Samoyeds, were bred to live through hard winters. However, their thick fur can make them uncomfortable in hot weather. Dogs with shorter or thinner hair, like Whippets and Greyhounds, can better control their body temperature when it’s warm outside.
  1. Size: A dog’s size is another thing that affects how well it can handle heat. Smaller breeds tend to make more body heat per pound than bigger breeds, and they can quickly get too hot if they don’t get enough care when it’s hot outside. Bigger breeds, like Great Danes and Saint Bernards, can get rid of extra heat more quickly because their bodies are bigger.
  1. How well a dog can breathe: The shape of its face can also affect how well it can handle heat. Many dog types, like Bulldogs and Pugs, have flat faces that make their lungs small. This makes it hard for them to breathe properly when it’s hot weather outside. This can lead to getting too hot, and in the worst cases, heatstroke.
  1. Origin and Ancestry: When judging a breed’s heat tolerance, it’s important to look at where it came from and who it is related to. Dogs that come from colder places, like the Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Malamute, have changed so that they can live in colder places instead of warmer ones. On the other hand, dogs from hot weather places, like the Chihuahua and Dalmatian, have changed to be able to live in warmer places.
  1. The color of a dog’s: Fur can also affect how well they can handle heat. Darker clothes tend to soak up more heat from the sun, which makes them less useful when it’s hot weather outside. Light-coated dog breeds, like White German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers, reflect more sunlight, which helps them keep their bodies at the right temperature.
9 best dog breeds for hot weather
9 best dog breeds for hot weather
  1. Fitness: A dog’s ability to handle heat can also be affected by how fit they are in general. When it’s hot weather outside, dogs that are overweight or out of shape may have a harder time keeping their body temperature stable because they have trouble breathing and blood flow.
  1. Age: Because of things like less movement, bad circulation, and weaker immunity systems that come with getting older, older dogs may have a harder time dealing with hot weather than younger ones. When older dogs are outside, especially when it’s hot, extra care should be taken when they are moving and playing.

To sum up, a breed’s heat tolerance is affected by its size, coat type, ability to breathe, birthplace, coat color, level of fitness, and age. People who own dogs can choose a breed that does well in hot weather by giving these things careful thought. But it’s important to remember that every dog is different and has different needs. No matter the weather, they need to be properly cared for and watched over to stay healthy.

Here are the nine best dog breeds for hot weather:

If you live in a hot area, you should pick a dog breeds that can handle the extreme heat. Not all dogs can handle hot weather, and some may find it hard to stay cool and comfy. These 9 dog types do well in hotter conditions. If you live in a hot area or want to adopt a dog that does well in warm weather, read on.

  1. A Dalmatian

Dalmatians are great for hot weather because they have a famous spotted body and are very active. Their short, smooth fur helps them stay cool, and their athletic build lets them handle long walks or runs in the sun. They also have a lot of stamina, which makes them great pets for doing things outside.

  1. Cattle Dog from Australia

This breed is busy and was originally created in Australia to handle cattle. It has a double coat that helps keep the body temperature stable. The top coat protects them from the sun, and the bottom coat keeps them warm at night when it’s cooler. Also, Australian Cattle Dogs have a lot of energy and can be active for long amounts of time without getting too hot.

  1. Shih Tzu

The Basenji is an African dog that is known as “the barkless dog” because of the way it sounds. This breed has gotten used to living in warm places because they shed little and have short hair that works well in hot weather. They like being outside but also like being alone inside, so they can be good pets in any weather.

  1. The Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback was first bred to hunt lions in Africa. It is strong and has a short coat that lets it lose heat quickly. Their coat also keeps the sun’s UV rays off of them. These active and sporty dogs are happy when they can run and play outside a lot.

9 best dog breeds for hot weather
9 best dog breeds for hot weather
  1. A Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are small and friendly dogs that can also handle hot weather well. Because they are so small, they don’t get too hot easily, and their short coats don’t need much care. They are also happy to do things inside, which makes them good pets for people who live in hotter places.

  1. The American Foxhound

American Foxhounds are thin but strong dogs with short coats that are easy to care for in warm weather. They were bred to be fast and last a long time. This breed likes being outside but also likes being indoors, so they can handle different temperatures.

  1. Saluki dog

Salukis were bred to be able to handle hot weather because they come from the Middle East, where temperatures can get very high. They have a long, smooth coat that helps keep them cool in the summer and protects them from the sun. They are also known for being attractive and strong-willed.

  1. The Thai Ridgeback

The Thai Ridgeback is another breed that comes from hot and humid places in Southeast Asia. It is known for being tough and active. Their short fur doesn’t shed much and keeps them cool when it’s hot weather outside. They also really want to protect their owners, which makes them great guard dogs.

  1. A greyhound

Although they were bred to be fast and agile, Greyhounds are also good for hot weather because they are thin and have short coats that don’t need much care. They have a lot of energy, but they can also be calm and gentle inside. This means they can live an exciting outdoor life or a calm inner life.

Remember that it doesn’t matter what type of dog you have; when it’s hot weather outside, you should always give your dog lots of water and shade. Watch out for signs of sweating, like panting a lot or feeling tired, and stop doing things if you need to. Even in the hottest places, these breeds can do well with the right care and attention.

The Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They are known for being smart and friendly. These dogs came from Newfoundland, Canada, and were first used by shooters to bring back game and fish. Because they are so adaptable and friendly, they have become popular family pets.

The double coat on Labrador Retrievers is a big part of why they do so well in hot weather. The undercoat is soft and keeps the dog warm, and the topcoat is short, thick, and waterproof. In cold weather, this one-of-a-kind coat keeps them warm. In hot weather, it helps keep their body temperature in check by keeping cool air close to their skin.

9 best dog breeds for hot weather
9 best dog breeds for hot weather

The thick coat also keeps them safe from the sun’s UV rays, which makes it perfect for hot places. It’s important to know, though, that this breed sheds a lot all year long, so their coats need to be brushed often to stay healthy and free of knots and mats.

Along with their hair, Labrador Retrievers can handle high temperatures well because they are lean. It’s easy for them to move on land and water because they are strong and have good proportions. Their deep chests also help them breathe well when they work out or play outside in the sun.

Labrador Retrievers are also very busy dogs that need to go for walks every day, no matter what the weather is like. You can still keep your furry friend happy even if you live in a hot area by giving them mentally exciting activities like obedience training or playing fetch inside.

Overall, Labrador Retrievers are great dogs to have around when it’s hot outside because they are busy and have a thick double coat. They can do just as well in warm climates as in cooler ones as long as they get the right care.  If you want a reliable and loving pet that can keep up with your active outdoor lifestyle, you might want to get a Labrador Retriever.

Dog – Golden Retriever

A lot of people love Golden Retrievers because they are friendly and loving, which makes them great as family dogs. These cute dogs are from Scotland and were first bred to be hunting dogs, especially to retrieve birds. People quickly learned that this breed is also great at other jobs, like search and rescue, training, and even being a guide dog.

These dogs do really well in hot weather because they have such a beautiful coat. Their double coat is made up of a soft undercoat that keeps them warm in cold weather and a longer top coat that keeps heat out. This one-of-a-kind mix helps them keep their bodies at the right temperature, which makes them resistant to harsh weather.

Another thing that makes Golden Retrievers good for warm areas is that they are very active. People know these dogs to be very busy and full of energy. They need to be walked regularly to keep their minds and bodies healthy. Even though they don’t have a lot of energy, they like swimming, camping, and playing fetch, so they’re great for people who love being outside with their fuzzy friends.

Also, because Golden Retrievers are friendly, they make great pets for families who live in hot places. It’s easy for them to get along with people from different backgrounds because they are friendly with kids and other animals. They also do well in homes with other pets or people who like to stay busy because of this trait.

Golden Retrievers don’t need any special cleaning during the warmer months. They just need to be brushed regularly to keep their hair shiny and free of tangles. But you must give them lots of fresh water and shade to keep them from getting dehydrated or heatstroke.

Overall, Golden Retrievers are a great choice for families who live in warm places because they are friendly, easy to train, and strong in high temperatures. These cute dogs will make great pets for years to come if they get enough exercise and care.

Dalmatian Dog

The Dalmatian is a beautiful breed that stands out. It has been around for hundreds of years. These active dogs were first bred to pull carriages. They have gotten used to hot weather and are now thought to be one of the best breeds for living in warm places.

9 best dog breeds for hot weather
9 best dog breeds for hot weather

Because their hair is short and smooth, Dalmatians do really well when it’s hot outside. Their coat doesn’t trap heat like longer-haired types do. Instead, it lets more air flow through, keeping them cool even when it’s hot outside. This also makes them less likely to get diseases like heatstroke that are caused by the heat.

In addition to their fur, Dalmatians are strong and active, which helps them keep their bodies at the right temperature. Because they are known for being busy and energetic, they need to go for walks every day, no matter what the weather is like. In hot places, though, it’s best to plan outdoor activities for later in the day when it’s cooler to avoid getting too hot.

The fact that Dalmatians have a past of working as working dogs is another reason why they do well in hot weather. This breed has a high tolerance for heat because they were originally bred to run next to wagons on long trips in the hot sun. Also, this means that Dalmatians have a lot of energy and can go for longer walks or runs even when it’s hot outside.

Not only are Dalmatians physically suited to hot places, but they also have a strong personality that makes them great pets for warmer weather. They are flexible and laid-back, which makes them great for going on trips and outdoor activities. They also like being with their owners and are very social, which makes them a great dog for people who love being outside.

All in all, the Dalmatian is a dog that does well in hot weather. Because they have short fur, are strong, and are easy to train, they make great pets for people who live in warm places. You should always make sure they have plenty of water and shade when they’re outside, though, so they stay cool and comfy.

A Weimaraner

The Weimaraner is a beautiful, lively dog that does well in hot weather. Originally created as hunting dogs, these sleek canines have adapted well to hot areas due to their endurance, speed, and short coat.

Originating from Germany, the Weimaraner was bred as a flexible shooter for big game such as deer, wild boar, and bears. Their powerful bodies and strong abilities made them ideal for finding and recovering food in difficult terrain. As such, they are highly active and require plenty of exercise even in hot weather.

One of the key features that makes Weimaraners excel in warm weather is their short and smooth silver-grey hair. Unlike other breeds with thick or dense fur, this helps them to release heat quickly through their skin. In fact, they are known to control their body temperature by panting or finding shade during strong bouts of physical action.

Their athletic build also adds to their ability to grow in hot weather. Weighing between 55-75 pounds (25-34 kg), these dogs have lean muscles that keep them cool by releasing heat more effectively. This makes them excellent partners for outdoor activities such as climbing, running, and swimming – all great choices for staying cool on hotter days.

In addition to their physical traits, Weimaraners have a robust nature that helps them adapt well to different settings. They are clever dogs with an independent streak which means they can entertain themselves if necessary when outdoors. However, it’s important for owners to provide mental exercise through training and play, especially in hotter weather when they may need to spend more time indoors.

Overall, the Weimaraner is a well-rounded dog that can handle warm weather with ease. As long as they have access to shade, plenty of water, and regular exercise, they will thrive in hot conditions and make loyal and loving pets.

Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dogs, also known as Blue Heelers or Queensland Heelers, are a tough and hardworking breed that was originally developed in Australia for handling cattle. These dogs thrive in hot weather situations due to their high energy levels and stamina.

Physical Characteristics of dog breeds:

Australian Cattle Dogs have a compact and powerful build, with strong legs that allow them to cover long distances in a short amount of time. Their double coat works as protection against both heat and cold, making them well-suited for changing weather. The top coat is short and dense, while the undercoat is soft and thick.

Their coat comes in two main colors – blue (dark) or red (light) – with speckled or uneven designs. This unique coloring helps to bounce sunshine away from their body, keeping them cool even in hot temperatures.


These clever pups are known for their loyalty and independent nature. They were bred to be self-sufficient while working on farms, which makes them highly flexible to hot weather conditions where they may need to rely on themselves for life.

Cattle dogs have high energy levels and need plenty of exercise to keep them mentally active and physically fit. Swimming is an excellent activity for these water-loving dogs during hot summer days as it provides both physical exercise and cooling comfort.

Special Considerations:

One thing especially stands out when it comes to taking care of Australian Cattle Dogs in hot weather – proper water. Due to their busy nature, these dogs need access to clean and cool water at all times. Be sure to provide shade and cover, with plenty of water available, when exposing them to hot weather.

9 best dog breeds for hot weather
9 best dog breeds for hot weather

Also, they need to brush their coat often to get rid of any dead undercoat and keep it from sticking. They stay cool and healthy this way, plus it keeps their skin and hair healthy.

According to most experts, Australian Cattle Dogs do well in hot climates as long as they get the right care and have lots of chances to exercise and think. Because they are loyal, tough, and naturally able to do well in hard environments, these puppies make great pets for people who love the outdoors and live in warm places.

The Vizsla

Vizslas, which are sometimes called Hungarian Pointers, are a pretty and active breed of dog that has done well in hot weather for hundreds of years. These dogs come from Hungary and were bred to hunt and track game in tough and hot conditions. This makes them great pets for warm places.

Qualities of the body:

Vizslas have a unique reddish-golden coat that is short and thick. This coat keeps the dog warm and cozy in both hot and cold weather. Their coat also keeps them safe from the sun’s dangerous rays, so they don’t get sunburned. With a strong chest and a slim body, they have the energy to keep up with their busy lifestyle even when it’s hot outside.

Vizslas have webbed feet, which makes them stand out from other dogs and helps them swim well. This trait makes them great swimmers and adds another fun thing for the dog and their person to do on hot summer days.

Type of Person:

Vizslas are known for being loving and friendly with people, which makes them great family dogs. They need to be with people all the time and want to be petted, so they shouldn’t be left alone for long amounts of time. The Vizsla has a strong bond with its owner, so if it is left alone too often or for too long, it can get separation anxiety.

Because they were originally bred to be hunting dogs, they have a lot of energy and need to be exercised every day to keep their minds and bodies active. Since owners want their Vizslas to be happy, they need to make sure they get enough time to run and play.

Ability to adapt:

Vizslas are very flexible dogs that do well in both hot and cold weather. They do, however, need a lot of water and cover when it’s hot outside. For Vizslas, living in an apartment is not a good idea because they like having a yard to explore and run.

Cleaning up:

The coat of a Vizsla is one of the best things about them. They don’t need much care; just brush them once a week to get rid of any extra fur. They are also naturally clean, so they don’t have a strong dog smell. This makes them great pets for people who want to keep dogs inside.

9 best dog breeds for hot weather
9 best dog breeds for hot weather


Finally, Vizslas do well in warm areas because they have a short, thick coat, webbed feet for swimming, are flexible, and don’t need much care. But, like all breeds, they need the right care and attention from their owners to do well in any weather.

Rhodoodle Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a type of dog that comes from South Africa. It was originally used to hunt and track animals. They are now known for being loyal, athletic, and having striking good looks. These dogs are different from other types because they have a ridge of hair on their back that grows in the opposite way of their coat. Their name comes from this unique trait that makes them stand out in any crowd.

Some of the best things about Rhodesian Ridgebacks in hot weather is that their short, smooth coat helps keep their body temperature even. This breed is used to living in hot places because they learned how to live in the hard African savannas, where daytime temperatures can get very high. Not only does their hair keep them cool, but it also makes cleaning much easier because they don’t have to brush or trim it very often.

In addition to having good looks, Rhodesian Ridgebacks have a lot of energy and strength, which makes them better able to handle hot weather than other kinds. They were bred to be working dogs, mostly for catching big animals like lions. Because of this, they have a lot of energy and can be active for long periods of time, even when it’s hot outside.

The strong and athletic build of this breed is another reason why it does well in warmer climes. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are built for speed and agility, with well-developed muscles and a lean body structure that lets them move around easily even when it’s hot outside without getting too tired. For this breed to keep their muscles toned and general fitness level high, they need to exercise regularly.

Another thing is that Rhodesian Ridgebacks only have one coat, not two like some other kinds. In hot weather, undercoats can make it hard for dogs to keep their bodies at the right temperature. For Rhodesian Ridgebacks, this is not a problem, which makes them happier in warmer places.

In general, the Rhodesian Ridgeback does well in hot weather because they have a short, smooth coat, are very active, are strong, and don’t have an undercoat. But when your dog is outside in very hot or cold weather, you should always make sure they have enough shade and clean water.

The Pharaoh Hound

The Pharaoh Hound is a rare and old breed of dog that came from Malta and was used to catch mice. This breed is known for being slim, having big, pointy ears, and having a reddish-brown hair that makes it stand out. This breed is different from others, though, because it does well in hot weather.

The Pharaoh Hound comes from the Mediterranean and has changed to be able to handle hot weather and direct sunlight. They stay cool because their short, smooth coat keeps their body temperature in check. The fur also protects against the sun’s strong rays, keeping the animal from getting sunburned or overheated.

9 best dog breeds for hot weather
9 best dog breeds for hot weather

But their physical traits aren’t the only thing that makes them good for hot places. The Pharaoh Hound’s past as a hunting dog has given them great stamina and speed, which makes them great for doing things outside even when it’s warm. They are known for having great running speed and a lot of energy, which makes them great pets for people who like to hike or jog.

This type of dog is also unique because it can blush, which makes it stand out from other dogs. More blood flows to their cheeks when they are happy or excited, making them a deep shade of pink. This works well to cool them down because it gets rid of extra heat through their mouths.

The Pharaoh Hound is also very clean and doesn’t need much care when it comes to cleaning. Compared to other kinds, they don’t shed as much, so you’ll have less fur to clean up and get rid of when it gets hot. Because of this, they make great pets for people who live in warm places and want a low-maintenance friend.

In conclusion, the Pharaoh Hound is a great breed for warm weather because they are physically adaptable, durable, and don’t need much cleaning. But it’s important to know that no matter the weather, all dogs need care and attention. On hot days, make sure they have plenty of water and shade, and don’t work them out during peak hours, when temperatures are at their highest. Your Pharaoh Hound will do well in any warm place as long as you give it the right care and love.

The Greyhound

While the Greyhound is usually thought of as a fast and athletic breed, they are also known for doing well in hot weather. These beautiful dogs come from Egypt, and their short, smooth coat helps them keep their body temperature steady in warm places.

Because they are so sleek, Greyhounds do well when it’s hot outside. These dogs have a lot of surface area for their weight because they have long legs and a thin body. This helps them get rid of heat more quickly. They also have a slim shape with little extra fat, which keeps them from getting too hot.

One reason the Greyhound can handle hot weather is that they don’t need much care when they’re groomed. Because they have short hair, owners don’t have to brush it as often, which makes it easier to keep them cool by getting rid of any dead or loose fur. Compared to other dog breeds, this one’s sweat glands are pretty small. This means that they don’t sweat as much and need to be bathed less often.

Also, greyhounds are naturally very good at keeping their bodies at the right temperature. They cool themselves well by panting and taking deep breaths through their big noses to get rid of heat in their lungs. They can stay cool with this one-of-a-kind feature even when they’re running fast in the hot sun.

Greyhounds are beautiful dogs, but they are also very calm, which makes them great companions for hot weather activities outside. Greyhounds don’t need high-intensity exercises like long walks or runs all the time like some other breeds do. They’re happy with short bursts of activity followed by relaxing in the shade. This makes them good for places where it’s hot and exercising outside might be uncomfortable or even dangerous.

In general, the Greyhound’s easygoing personality and physical traits make them a good choice for living in hot weather. But making sure they stay hydrated and have a cool, shady place to stay is important for their comfort and health in warm climates.

Features and traits

The weather where you live is an important thing to think about if you want to get a dog. People who live in hot and tropical areas need to make sure they pick a breed that does well there. Here, we’ll talk about some of the best dog breeds that are known for being able to handle and do well in hot weather.

  1. Breeds with short noses:

Some breeds are better for hot weather because their noses are short. In warm places, it’s easier for dogs with shorter noses, like Pugs, Bulldogs, and Boxers, to breathe than for dogs with longer noses. This is because dogs with shorter noses have wider nasal cavities, which helps them better control their body temperature by breathing out more. Another thing that helps these breeds stay cool is that they tend to have less fur around their faces.

  1. Breeds with only one coat:

It’s also helpful for dogs that do well in hot weather if they only have one coat instead of two. Because their undercoats are so thick, double-coated dogs like Huskies and German Shepherds do not do well in hot weather. Breeds with only one coat, like Greyhounds and Whippets, have fine, short hair that naturally keeps them warm while still letting air flow through their coats.

  1. Coats in light colors:

When it comes to how well a dog can handle hot weather, color is important. A dog with a light coat color, like white or cream, is less likely to get hot in the sun. This can help they stay cool. Some dog breeds, like the Great Pyrenees and the Maltese, have light coats that help keep them cool in hot climates by reflecting sunlight.

  1. Breeds of medium size:

Because they are bigger and have faster metabolisms, large dog breeds often have a harder time in very hot weather. On the other hand, smaller dog breeds might not be able to handle heat well because they have less surface area to let heat escape. Breeds that are in the middle size range, like Australian Cattle Dogs and Vizslas, can get rid of heat well while still being small enough to stay cool in hot weather.

9 best dog breeds for hot weather
9 best dog breeds for hot weather
  1. Active Dog Breeds:

When picking a dog for hot weather, it’s important to think about how active the breed is. Dogs like Dalmatians and Greyhounds, which were bred to be active and last a long time, are often better able to handle hotter weather than breeds that don’t move around as much. This is because dogs that are active have more stamina and can better control their body temperature by panting.

  1. Breeds that love water:

Some breeds are naturally drawn to water, and when it’s hot, they like to swim to cool off. Some dog breeds, like Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers, have coats that don’t get wet and webbed paws that help them swim very well. When these dog breeds live in hot places with easy access to water, they may do very well.

Overall, when choosing a dog breeds for hot weather, you should look at their physical traits and how active they are to see if they will do well in your area. Also, it’s important to give any breed that lives in a hot area the right care and precautions, like making sure they stay hydrated and have access to shade. Your dog can live in even the hottest places if you get them the right breed and take good care of them.

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